Ryan Hagan

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As a mental wellness coach, psychic-medium, Reiki Master and meditation teacher, Ryan has emerged as a standout in the holistic health and spirituality field. Ryan applies a proprietary blend of modalities that has helped clients discover unrivaled growth and made him a highly sought after healing practitioner. Ryan can help to clear subconscious mental blockages, reconnect you with loved ones who have passed, provide intuitive readings for guidance, and much more in a one-on-one session. Ryan also teaches and certifies aspiring energy medicine practitioners and intuitive readers.

Whether through a private Reiki healing, coaching session, or intuitive reading, Ryan is here for you. Both in-person and virtual appointments are available.

What People Are Saying


“Always such a pleasure getting a reading from Ryan. His energy is unmatched and he’s able to help navigate you through situations you may be facing or give you guidance or clarity. If you haven’t done a reading with Ryan yet you’re missing out!”

— Isabella r.

“Working with Ryan has been a joy. His superb abilities as an Energetic Practitioner as well as a Psychic Medium have brought so much awareness and healing to my journey. I am confident that anyone who works with Ryan will benefit greatly from his talents, knowledge, and wisdom and his innate ability to gently guide people on their path to healing and self-discovery. He is truly a gift.”

— A.m.

“The best experience of my life!! Ryan is Amazing!! I loved how he explained how Reiki works, got me in a relaxing state, great breathing technique, great energy, good vibes, knowledgeable, great personality, great connection!!!”

— EricA

“There are not enough words in the Universe to describe what this session meant to me!! This was the beginning of healing for me and I am just so thankful for you and all you do to help bring healing and knowledge my way and genuinely have a desire to help people live a better life!!”

— E.B.